
7 Fiverr Freelancing Mistakes to avoid as a Freelancer

Fiverr Freelancing Mistakes

Common Fiverr Freelancing Mistakes to avoid as a Freelancer:

The small online business idea is a great way for people to start up their own business. The concept behind it has been around for ages, but there are so many businesses that do not get off the ground. Many freelancers try to start up their own businesses, but most of the time they do not even know how to go about it.

The process of freelancing is becoming more popular day by day. According to the reports, over half a million people use Freelancers to be their full-time breadwinners. Freelancing is not easy. It’s a lot of work, it requires a lot of time, and in some cases, money to get paid.

As a freelancer, you can earn more than your traditional job doing freelance work. However, as with any profession, there are many ways to go about it. A freelancer’s dream is to work as much as they can. Work that fits with their lifestyle and schedule, not just someone else’s. Freelancing gives you the opportunity to do what you love and earn money at the same time. But there are many people who choose to opt-in making the wrong choices while working as a freelancer which ultimately leads to earning less than they were originally expecting.

For example, some freelancers make mistakes in thinking about their business and intentions for the future that could be easily avoided with knowledge and preparation. This blog is meant to give you insight into seven of these common mistakes you must avoid as a freelancer if you are looking to have a successful career in freelancing.


These 7 Fiverr Freelancing Mistakes will destroy your freelance career.

Avoid these 7 Fiverr Freelancing Mistakes and you will make bank.

1- Don’t run after Money

This is the most common mistake I have ever seen. Beginners mostly do this because they want to earn more and more money from freelancing in a short passage of time and this mistake ruins their whole freelancing career. Instead of running after money, You should learn a new skill and try to Polish your existing Skills. Try to focus on learning new and High Demand Freelancing Skills of that era.

If void this mistake and learn New and Polish your existing skills then, believe me, money will come along, and not only this, you will succeed in your freelance Career.



2- Neglecting your Interest

Most Freelancers when they start their freelance journey, try to focus on high-income jobs or demanding skills and ignore their own interests.  The Contention between your own interests and high-income jobs will soon ruin your freelancing career. 

Going after High-Income Skills and Neglecting your own interest will damage your journey. It will hurt you in the long run. If you want to be a Successful Freelancer then You should find your own Passion and explore your own interest.

3- Depending on One Platform

Let me share my own experience, when I started my freelance journey I thought Only Fiverr is available for me and Fiverr is the only option I have to do freelancing and earn Money or start my own Business digitally but with the passage of time, I understand that Limits only exist in our own mind and then I explore other platforms such as Upwork, Guru, PeoplePerHour. These are well-known Freelancing platforms but it doesn’t mean that you can only sell your services on these platforms. There are also many other platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and much more.

You should use different sales channels to attract more opportunities.

4- Not Learn Soft Skills

This is the other most common mistakes freelancers do in their freelance journey. There are two kinds of Skills. The First one is Hard Skills and another one is Soft Skills. Most people focus on learning Hard Skills Like Website Development, Graphics Designing, Video, and Audio Post Production, etc but they don’t focus on learning soft skills which are really important skills of this era. Soft Skills are Communication, Negotiation, Sales, Marketing, & email Marketing.

5- Neglecting your Own Brand

Don’t limit yourself to Part-time Freelancing or Full time. You should build your own brand around your niche. There are many platforms where you can build your Own Brands such as your Own Website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

6- Rely on One Source of Income

Relying on Just “ Freelancing ” will not help you to grow. Try to build 2-3  minimum Portfolios and never ever rely on “ Freelancing ” as the only source of Income.

7- Not Learning “ Cold Outreach”

Cold Outreach is an art and requires deep research but it is way more fruitful. Use Sales Navigator, Lusha, or Apollo .io

If you want to be a Successful Freelancer then you should avoid these Common and Damages Fiverr Freelancing Mistakes.

If you want to Learn  “ ADVANCE FIVERR FREELANCING ” with such Tips and tricks then Join my Freelancing Course.

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